JPH Associates is pleased to announce the opening of DGN Towers III, a project sponsored by Miami Jewish Home and Health Services. This 75 unit, $10.6 million project for the elderly is the third phase of a three phase effort that commenced over eight years ago. The land was leased to the Sponsor by the State of Florida at no cost. These cost savings on the land were returned to the project in a series of construction upgrades. The project is the first HUD 202 projects within the State to earn an energy LEEDS certification. This certification incorporates energy saving design/devices into the project while encouraging the use of green features such as low emission paint and recycled materials. Project management indicates that it took only two days to secure lease commitments on all 75 units, proving again that the supply of affordable housing for the elderly is not keeping pace with demand.
Tags: 202 Housing, Affordable, Affordable Housing, aging boomers, Elderly, Elderly Housing, Florida, Funding, Green Certification, HUD, Low Income, Low Income Senior Housing, Nonprofits, Section 202, Senior Housing, Support Services