JPH & Associates, Inc. is pleased to announce the grand opening of Presbyterian Apartments of Northport, located directly outside Tuscaloosa, Alabama. This is a 42 unit affordable senior citizen apartment complex located adjacent to Phase I which was completed over 20 years ago. The project cost approximately $4.7 million and was financed with US Department of HUD Section 202 funding. JPH & Associates wrote the grant and coordinated development of the project. What makes this project unique is the fact that the individual units were manufactured off-site and re-assembled on site. This modular design facilitated quality control, energy efficiency and speed of construction. The process proved to be 1/3 faster than standard construction and it represents the first modular type construction project built in Alabama using Section 202 funding.
Archive for October, 2011
Presbyterian Apartments of Northport
Friday, October 28th, 2011St . Anthony Garden Court
Friday, October 28th, 2011JPH & Associates, Inc. served as Owner’s Representative for St. Joseph Garden Court project completed by Catholic Charities in St. Cloud Florida. As an Owner Representative, JPH & Associates, Inc coordinated all aspects of the project from the grant application process up through initial occupancy. This 50 unit, $7 million dollar project is rent and income restricted. Residents must be senior citizens. The project was financed with Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) funds administered through the Florida Department of Community Affairs and Osceola County. It should be noted that this is the largest NSP project funded to date within the State of Florida. The project consists of multiple one-story buildings housing one and two bedroom units. The project also utilizes existing two story town home units, each having three bedrooms.